Friday, May 18, 2012

Bunch Ball

Despite his obsession with hockey, I'm happy to report C has kept a soft spot in his heart for the beautiful, football, futbol - a sport near and dear to both mine and Andy's hearts as well.  He had participated in toddler indoor soccer classes before the hockey obsession started, and when we heard of a soccer academy catering to the 3.5 to 5 year old age range, we didn't think twice about signing him up -- bonus, it was OUTDOORS. 

Yay for fresh air, sunshine and a class start time perfectly scheduled between naps and dinner!

Kelly Gray is a former player for the Earthquakes and his staff is AH-mazing with this age group -- lots of individual attention and at only 30 minutes long, nicely suited for a toddlers attention span.

I totally took "first day of (outdoor) soccer" pictures.
Andy was thrilled that C was finally wearing the soccer kit he bought before he could walk.  C also informed me as I was helping him pull on his soccer socks that "these socks make me look like a big guy."  He then proceed to strut around the living room like...a big guy.

I look like a ghost because my mom put 17 layers of sunblock on me.  But I still look like a big guy, right?
I was anticipating a bit of shyness at the first class - his future wife friend from preschool, Anna Maria, ended up moving down an age group so he knew none of the other kids - the majority of them being closer to 5.  We've been through this before...he'll hang back and half participate and Andy or I usually end up hovering close by to help him break the ice.

Surprisingly, while the shyness still hovering was required.

Of course, N was around for moral support.  And to be in charge of eat all the snacks.

I rocked this hat for exactly 22 seconds.
By the time the second class rolled around...big guy found his stride.

He shoots...

He scoooorrrreeeessss!!!!!!!!

N is so proud.  And so mad I won't let him run full speed towards...well, anything that is away from me.


  1. he's got the moves of a forward! (ps. ease up on the sunscreen AND hat lady...the kids are going to start calling C "C-asper"....hehee!)

  2. i love the way you tell this story - the "cross outs" -- LOVE. awesome job C!!
