Wednesday, August 15, 2012

SMKS - 8/15/12 edition

Warning:  I am tired; this post may not make any sense as a result.  Reader beware!

So with that caveat in place...

It's safe to say we're a bit Pinkberry obsessed in our household lately.  As soon as the kids are tucked in tight, Andy zooms out to pick up our favorite combos (me - original/strawberry, he - original/chocolate.)  We actually didn't realize how often we were eating it until one night C threw a tantrum because he wanted "to watch daddy leave from the driveway!"  His bedroom window looks out over the driveway and apparently he's been sneaking out of bed to watch him leave.

We told him that daddy doesn't leave from the driveway every night and then made that oft made mistake of trying to debate with a 3.5 year old.

C: "Yes, you do!"
A:  "No, I don't" (!)
C:  "You DO"
A:  "Look buddy -- daddy doesn't go to Pinkberry every night because it would cost $200 a month if I did.  That's a lot of money!" 
C:  "You DO"
A:  [brow furrow]
C:  "yodoyodoyodoyodoyodoooooooo"
A:  "Listen, I don't --"
C:  [jumps up, narrowly missing slamming his head into the top bunk] "I KNOW...daddy, daddy!" [throws hands in air like he's a genius] "I will go work at Nana's"
A:  "What?"
C:  "Yes, at Nana's.  I will work and make 5"
A:  "Work where at Nana's?  Make 5?"
C:  [pauses to think]  "Upstairs.  In the office store.  And she will pay me 5 and then you can go buy yogurt and I can watch you leave from the driveway."

I may or may not have immediately started calculating how many visits to my parents house, where C could make "5", it would take in order to pay off at least one year of college.  NOW who's the genius!

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