Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

Before it's six months from now and I still haven't downloaded the pictures from my camera, a few snaps from tonight in their pre-trick or treating glory.

Just a little background on N's costume.  He WAS going to be a raccoon.  I bought his costume a month ago, feeling just slightly smug with myself for not falling into the whole youngest child always gets the hand me down costume cycle (ahem, like I do with all his other clothes.)  I then pulled it out a couple weeks later and realized that despite the hanger clearly stating "18 months", the tag in the costume showed "6-9 months"

[commence cursing]

So!  With a couple weeks left before Halloween, I took it back and bought him a new one I decided C's old lion costume was good enough.  It's an improvement on the former given it was size 6-12 months after all.  Doesn't he look thrilled to be squished into it?  True story: he kept the hood on the entire time.  I'm still somewhat shocked by this.

In true N fashion, he dragged that bucket behind him the entire time.  Even when it was full of (full size!) candy bars.  And he always had to be holding a candy bar in his other hand.  When we got home, the boys dumped out their candy in the middle of the kitchen, but have no fear, you could clearly identify N's treats by those with the big teeth marks puncturing the wrappers.

C took his costume very seriously.  Because he is a serious child.  And fighting fires is serious business.  Which makes trick or treating dressed as a fire fighter VERY serious business.

See?  Serious.

So after making a candy pile in the middle of the kitchen floor and me weeding out anything with peanuts and/or eggs, the boys picked M&M's for their post trick or treating snack.  C's dairy allergy is still going strong (we still are unsure about N, but are waiting until he's more verbal to introduce full dairy), but a bit here or there doesn't hurt.  I hand them each  two M&M's to start with and the following reactions occur:

N:  Attempts to tackle me in order to get at the bag and pour the entire thing in his mouth.
C:  Gingerly chews one, then places the other one in his mouth.  Swallows like he just sucked on a lemon and tells me immediately he needs his water because, "Mom, those things are REALLY SPICY" 

Yes, he said spicy.  And then asked for pretzels.

Happy Halloween everyone; I'm going to check that my pumpkins haven't been smashed because we were the only house to not givve out full size candy bars (!!!)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I Have to Park These Conversations Here

The last few days have really underscored how C is firmly out of the toddler stage and hurtling towards being a proper little boy.  Case in point, a few of the conversations I've had with him in the past day or so.

I tend to lean into the catagory of a "fall-cleaner" vs "spring-cleaner" and made C's room my project yesterday; a ginormous map from IKEA put together, new "nice" bedding for the bunk beds that I bought two years ago (before N was born) got washed, and actual nails went into the walls to hang pictures and momentos.  It looks 100% better albeit a bit psychotic from a decorating perspective as I try to pull together a Nautical/Hockey theme (yikes - it looks as interesting as it sounds.) 

He ran upstairs when we get home.  I walk into his room and he says "So.......where is my surprise?"


E.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g has changed in his room.  Including the massive map that now takes up a whole wall.  And a shrine to his favorite hockey players by his bed.  So as I deliberately point out these things (through gritted teeth), I ask "So what do you think, do you love it?"

He thinks about it for a couple of seconds and says to me-

C:  (pointing to the top bunk of his bed) "Mom, so like, when I'm 5 or maybe 6 will I sleep up there?"
Me:  "Yes honey, sure, 5 or 6, whenever you are ready."
C:  (pointing to the bottom bunk) "And N will sleep down there?"
Me:  "Yes, exactly."
C:  (thinking some more) "Mom, if N cries when he first sleeps there, is it ok if I get down from my bed and go into his bed to give him snuggies?  And then when he stops crying, I'll go back into my bed.  Is that ok?"
Me:  (stunned)  "Yes, absolutely."
C:  "Ok, good."


Now, let's contrast this heart melting story with the conversation I had with him tonight as I was putting him to bed.  C wants to be a fireman (again) for halloween, but wants to add fireman "accessories" to his costume from last year -

Me:  "Tell me again what you want for your halloween costume?"
C:  "Oh, ok, sooooooooo I want fireman pants, fireman boots, a fireman hose and a fireplace."
Me:  "Ok - wait, a fireplace?"
C:  "Yes, a fireplace mom, I need one."
Me:  "Uhhh, why?"
C:  "Well, I'll explain it to you next time we're on a plane."
Me:  "WHAT?  Why do I have to wait!"
*cue enormous set of giggles*

Annnnnnnnnnnnndddddd it wasn't until I was writing this post that I realized by fireplace, he meant a fire PLANE (which is derived from the fact my brother used to be on the CDF Helitac crew.)

I wish there was a way to go back to thinking like an almost four year old.  Pure awesomeness (most of the time.)